Saturday, 25 January 2014

I think I'm getting more materialistic + Reunion Dinner

So, since I've gotten such a satisfying results for my 'O' levels, my Mum decided to give me 50 bucks to congratulate me. And I was happy with it. What's more, for my birthday present last year, I requested for money as my birthday present too, from both my parents and sister. 
Maybe this is not getting materialistic but perhaps more money-minded. 
They say money can't buy you happiness. Perhaps, they're wrong? Or, maybe, this is just another stage of growing up? Well, maybe it's just me. 

Anyway, I changed my glasses today @ a shop called Owndays in Somerset. They have tons of different designs of glasses and I'm just spoiled for choices. It took me an hour to pick out mine. :/ Well, the new one aren't that bad, just that the frames are a little too big and I'm still getting used to it, and the new degree. [Yes, my eyesight has gotten worse. :( ]

And after that, there's a Reunion Dinner @ my aunt's house where all of my paternal relatives gather and have dinnerrrrrrrrrrr. Also, getting ang paos from the married couple/aunts/uncles/grandpa and grandma. $$$$$$ To past the time while the adults are playing mahjong and chit-chatting among themselves, the younger generation which is my cousins and I played Monopoly Deal and Big 2 at the back yard. And there's this new version of Big 2 where the loser will have to give their better cards to the winner and the winner will give their lousier cards to the loser. I didn't know. Anyway, after the shouting-huat-ah-and-mixing-the-veggie+abalone+other stuffs, there's this mini birthday celebration for my grandpa and the durian cake was delicious! Yum yum. I took 3 servings. Hehehehe. And Juliana took 4, it's that nice. :)

It's really late now, so I will just stop here. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014


So, when I went to work last Thursday, Malcom (the boss) was there to put up some CNY decorations and Patrick helped him, leaving me and Esmond alone in the kitchen. So, we chit-chatted a bit. Actually, I think we talked quite a lot. Hahaha. He shared with me some info about his study @ Uni and it seemed to me that there's a lot of assignments and presentations to do. He also said that he is majoring in business (specifically, public relations); he's 24 years old (I was actually quite surprised to hear that, I thought he was studying in poly like any other part-timers. And he was really surprised that I'm 16 years old too. Hahaha.) and he also doesn't know how to cook yakisoba^. And I realised that he is really friendly, much more friendlier than the other part-timers there. :)  
Santosh (a new full-timer, like me) was sick again and so, work was quite busy since there's one lesser person helping out. I guess he's really weak, huh. Anyway, I learned closing! I'm really happy to be able to learn new things, maybe I'll be able to learn how to cook yakisoba^ someday. Even though I'll be only working till April as a full-timer there, I still hope to learn how things work there and hopefully, be of much help. I don't wanna feel useless and just go there for money. 
^Remember, Google is your best friend. :)

Annnnnd, I went to work on Friday from 10-7. Patrick and Nikko (both full-timers) kept talking to each other in Filipino the very moment Patrick stepped into the shop for work. I felt like I was invisible...
until Darren (a part-timer) came to work at 5. I told him how bored I was and I couldn't understand a single thing they're talking about. And he told me to go learn their language. Thanks for your advice, it helps a lot. Anyway, Nikko's shift ended early and when he left, Patrick talked to me again, like finally. Also, Darren just realised that my name is Rou Shan and the stupid-dota-monster's-name-which-is-almost-the-same-as-mine joke appeared. Damn. It's not like I care about it a lot but ever since Darren mentioned it, Patrick kept on saying my name. Why. 
This is the stupid dota monster, Roshan. However, if you check it up, it's actually a pretty badass monster. Also, the information shows that it's really tough and difficult to defeat. So maybe it's not that bad having almost the same name after all. Hahahaha
Annnnnnnnnnd, on the same day (Friday), when I got home, I took a nap on the sofa. I placed my glasses beside and somehow, when I woke up, it was on the floor and there was a small crack on the lens. Now I have to get a new pair of glasses. How troublesome.

On Saturday, it's finally my off day and I went shopping with my sister for my new year clothes. I was planning to get 2 pair of jeans and 2 tops. And in the end, I got 2 tops from Uniqlo but only a pair of jeans from Lowrys Farm. I feel like getting a Hang Ten jeans because it was having a 60% sale! And the material is not bad too! Maybe I should really get it. 
Ohh, and I feel like getting a parka since I'll probably be going to super duper cold auditorium for lectures in my poly life. A stylish and practical parka would be great. 
For example, this:
But this one is REAAAAAAALLY EXPENSIVE. Damn it.


Soooooooooooo, I've received my results last Monday.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, I'm reaaaaaaaaaaaaally satisfied with it! :D
 I met my target of getting less than 10 for L1R4, and so I could get into the course I wanted!! And guess what, I got a freaking B3 for English. I totally wasn't expecting that AT ALL. I thought I would at least get a B4 or worse for my English. English has always been my worst subject (Biology is my second worst), I would always get borderline passes for common tests and exams and it's always the listening comprehension(LC) which boosts my English grade. I would probably fail if LC wasn't counted into the final grade. The best grade that I've got for English was probably B4, which was when I was Secondary 2, and ever since then, my English dropped downhill (and I don't even know if I used 'dropped downhill' properly). Well, anyway, I'm extremely happy with my results. I've gotten a C5 for Biology but I don't really care. Teehee. 
Well what else can I say other than my hard work paid off~ 
Those mornings till late afternoons at the library doing revisions and test papers are well spent. :) I'm proud of myself. Hahahaha. Ohh, and the tuition too! I got A2 for both physics and chemistry, even though I expected an A1 for physics. Anyway, I'm surprised I manage to get an A2 for chemistry. I hope I did my tuition teacher proud. 

I've submitted the JAE admission thingy on the second last day. I had a long time deciding the choices after the fifth choice, even though I know I'm most probably gonna be accepted by my first few choices. But since MOE gave us 12 choices, why not make full use of them, right? 
Well, I hope I get into my first choice because it really does interest me. AND, you may get to explore A*STAR during your second year for the course! (I really wanna go A*STAR and explore. They have lotsa innovative and awesome creations there. Hehehe) 


I kept picturing myself getting strangled against a wall. 
I don't know why. 

Saturday, 11 January 2014

So Fabulous

It's not called being gay, it's called being FABULOUS
Hahahahah. I've decided to upload this because it's just so cute. :)

Super Duper Cheap Lunch

I know, i know, it's reallyyyyyyy late for new year greetings. But I'm just really busy, okay. 
Anyway, I celebrated the last few seconds of 2013 with my parents at the countdown party in Khatib. There's firework display there too! WOOHOO! 
We reached there at around 9, because my mum wanted to watch the performances and hear the chinese songs. There isn't any chairs around so we had to stand for the whole countdown party which, after some calculation, is around 3 hours. Well, maybe it's because I've stood for even longer hours during band practices that my legs aren't sore anymore. 

And I had to work on New Year's Day. What a spoiler. But it's double pay on public holiday so it's okay! :) Anyway, it's my first day of work that day and it's pretty fun. I learnt how to make taiyaki^! Also, I have learnt how the cashier-computer(?) works and most of the time now, I'm taking the orders with that cashier-computer. However, I'm still pretty slow in my movements, like since secondary school. Mr Ramu is always saying I take my own sweet time to move cutely. Well, the thing is, I like doing things at my own pace and when I'm more familiar with how things work, I'll be a lot faster.
^Google is your best friend. 

While I'm working at Great Work City's food junction, I bought a beef pepper rice at the Pepper Lunch Express and guess how much the person has charged me.
3 DOLLARS!!!!!
Like oh my god, $3 for a beef pepper rice?! I don't mind working there and eating there everyday. HAHAHAHA
And then there's a new full-timer which transferred to woodlands from GWC and said that he used to get free pepper rice and hand made noodles there. 
WHAT?! I wanna work there from now on. But unfortunately, I'm not the one who decides where I work. Damn. 

Oh, and the  GCE 'O' level results will be released on Monday! I'm so excited!!! :D

*Reminder to self: 

  • Take more initiative
  • Get more jeans for work
  • Ask about working hours and pay
  • Cut my hairrrrrrrr