Thursday, 20 February 2014


Okay, I haven't been updating due to work and other events that I just had to go, and also due to my laziness and procrastination. Well, here I am! 

So, Valentines' Day was just like a normal day for me, surfing the net aimlessly and watching my all-time favourite cartoon : Teen Titans! Hehehehehe. I've liked the Teen Titans series since I was a child and I really admire the character Raven in the series. She's so mysterious and her powers are so awesome. Also, she is so nonchalant and calm about everything. And, she is also pretty sarcastic and funny. :) 


I should probably do a post just to fangirl about Raven, and perhaps spam tons of gifs and photos about her. :D Yeah, I should. Hahaahha. 

And on Saturday, Feb 15, it's my juniors' concert @ SOTA. Thus, I went to support my two lovely juniors who are playing for the MTDC concert. But before that, I went to AMK Fairprice and gave my secret buddy her present. As I was in a rush to SOTA fearing that I might be late, I didn't have much time to talk to her or take any photos. :( Anyway, I hope she liked the present! So, back to the MTDC concert. It was awesome and I was able to catch up with my batch of MTDC peeps. :) It's nice to see all of you again! 
And after the concert, the craziness starts. There are girls over-reacting by screaming at the top of their lungs the moment the performers came out and lots of people taking tons of photos and selfies, and performers who are crying because they screwed up, and people who went to hug her for comfort which actually looks really fake (just like a show put up to show people and gain attention to themselves that they are caring people, not actually comforting the performer). Well, I don't know why do you wanna scream your lungs off when you see them come out, it's not like they are celebrities or stars, you really don't have to scream so loudly. It's really annoying when girls over-react and scream at little things. It just makes you look like another annoying attention seeker. And I think that there's no use even if you cry or grief about your mistake. What's done cannot be undone, so get over it. Crying won't get you anywhere, so just work harder and don't make any mistakes anymore. And why do you need like 15 people to comfort 1 person. What's the use of crowding around a person who is crying. It'll only attracts more attention to the person who is crying which may probably backfires as the person wanna be alone. I understand when people crowd around one person after performance to congratulate him/her but people gathering and hugging onto one another as comfort for one person is just beyond me. Seriously. 
Girls nowadays. 

Well, gonna end my post here. Tata.

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